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TLT® Classic Mesh Collection 泰丽经典网布系列

TLT® Classic Mesh Collection:

“Mesh” is often used in the trade to describe all knit footwear linings, since so many good rugged mesh fabrics perform well in footwear. By definition, a knitted mesh is characterized by holes surrounded by interloped yarns. These small open spaces can be designed into many shapes and sizes for optimum comfort, multi-color effects and design appeal.

Most meshes contain some constructional stretch that works well for footwear manufacturing. But when fabrics need to be more rigid, special constructions can lock down the tiny mesh holes, creating even greater durability.

TLT produces many mesh fabrics from solid looking fabrics with very tiny holes to fabrics with obvious open structures and 2-tone effects. Multi-filament yarns of all sizes, polymers and special branded features make up our TLT meshes.

Our collection includes traditional constructions made tougher based on our textile design experience. We make heavy to lightweight, affordable fabrics that perform. Add your custom color palette and these fabrics will finish out your designs with style and performance.


这是泰丽产品中最基础的系列。针对从结实粗犷、牢固耐用到细腻精致等各种不同的用途和风格,考究舒适程度、色彩组合效果、设计美感等因素,在本系列中,各种网孔组织、结构织纹、厚度重量的产品应有尽有。在制作工艺上,分为标准产品和Sorbtek®产品两种。后者使用了Unifi 的Sorbtek®固有防污和永久吸湿排汗的原料纱。Sorbtek®对水分以高效的吸取、移送、释放系统让穿着者保持感觉干爽和舒适。泰丽的Sorbtek®布料由Unifi Corp认证。

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